The inexhaustible and constantly replenished solar energy is catalyzing photovoltaic technology in Pakistan. This revolutionary journey towards sustainability is being achieved by harnessing the power of the sun efficiently. On the road to a sustainable future, Zarea Limited is the one-stop shop for solar energy products catered to your needs and requirements. This transformation is shaping the country into a better place where we do not rely on non-renewable sources for energy production.
What is Photovoltaic Technology?
Photovoltaic (PV) technology works on the photovoltaic effect, which is a process through which a photovoltaic cell generates electricity when it is exposed to sunlight. In simpler terms, it transforms photons or sunlight into electric current or voltage. The PV cells are the semiconductors exhibiting the photovoltaic effect that facilitates the said process. Solar panels work on photovoltaic technology and are made up of silicon crystals to convert the sunlight into usable current. This phenomenon is widely used in commercial settings to generate power today. This large-scale utilization is significantly reducing our reliance on exhaustible energy resources and also the impact of climate change.
Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems in Pakistan
Sun is the source of an immense amount of energy that it even exceeds far from global energy demands. By tapping into this vast potential of the sun’s energy we can make a significant difference environmentally and economically. There are numerous ongoing and potential PV solar hybrid projects in Pakistan capable of generating a plethora of power to fulfill energy needs.
Photovoltaic Farms and Ongoing Solar Projects in Pakistan
Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park was established by the Government of Punjab at Lal Sohanra, Bahawalpur, this solar power project is the biggest solar power initiative in Pakistan with a generation capacity of over 1000 MW. There are extended projects affiliated with the QA solar park generating power to make Pakistan a better and energy-independent state.
Appolo Solar Development, Best Green Energy, Crest Energy, AJ Power, Harappa Solar, and Atlas Solar (formerly Zhenfa Pakistan New Energy) are among the solar PV projects in Punjab generating significant amounts of power and taking Pakistan towards the sustainability and prosperity through green energy.

Applications of Photovoltaic Technologies
Pakistan is emphasizing sustainable power generation technologies to overcome the cost of importing fossil fuels. The recent advancement in solar Photovoltaic technology in Pakistan has provided a cost-effective and renewable method of power generation. The PV technology has numerous off-grid and on-grid applications in Pakistan.
Street and Commercial Lighting: In Pakistan, street lighting accounts for 350-500 MW of total electricity consumption. This can be shifted to renewable energy means through solar street lighting systems. Moreover, the commercial applications of PV solar modules to light billboards, traffic lights, etc. can shift the load towards sustainable means.
Rural Electrification Projects: Under the government-backed solar energy programs, numerous villages and remote places can be electrified through sustainable means. Solar PV modules are the catalyst for the development of off-grid rural electrification projects in Pakistan.
PV-powered water pumping system: Solar-powered water pumping systems are another innovation in sustainable practices that can reduce cost and enhance efficiency in agricultural areas. Solar PV technology can be used instead of traditional diesel generators or on-grid pumping.
Captive Power Generation: There are various industries in Pakistan with the license and authorization allowing them to generate captive power through renewable sources. PV solar module is the ideal option for generating captive power commercially and on a small scale as well.
Network Metering Projects: The Government of Pakistan has introduced net metering that will allow the users to generate power through solar PV technology and this power can be sold to the national grid. The difference between the amount generated and consumed as well as sold to the national grid is calculated by the end of the month. Net metering has been very prominent in the country with over 20,000 customers all over the country with the capacity of adding over 400 MW to the national grid.
Solar Hybrid Technology: Solar Hybrid projects are being initiated to stabilize the economic infrastructure and provide employment opportunities to multiple people across the country. There are many international and national companies joining hands to make Pakistan a sustainable and energy-independent state.
The ongoing and potential solar PV projects in Pakistan are the way forward to the future. Therefore, Zarea Limited is promoting sustainability through its solar energy products to reduce carbon emissions and the reliance on imported fossil fuels. Not only that, green energy production would enhance energy reliability, attract more investment, and create a significant amount of jobs. Together, we can commit to making Pakistan’s energy sector more sustainable through renewable sources.