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Cement Price in Pakistan Today 2023

Zarea.pk is providing all cement brands with reasonable prices for its customer on the same portal which is easily accessible by the users. Zarea.pk is also providing its customer with the daily price table of cement where users can look for the updated prices. It is also providing the delivery option to the customers along with the Labor which is already included in the Cement rate in Pakistan Today.

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Cement Rate List in PakistanĀ  2023

OPC is an important material for a grey structure. Before buying any cement kindly have a look at the Today Prices of CementĀ  in Pakistan 2023. Without the cement material, you cannot prepare concrete. There are a lot of cement manufacturing companies in Pakistan. Over the growth in the development of housing societies and commercial places, cement industry is rising in the country. Hence per year growth production and sales as well.

The other type of the cement is SRC and the use of SRŠ” is рŠ°rtiсulŠ°rly benefiсiŠ°l in suсh exрŠ¾sure/serviсe сŠ¾nditiŠ¾ns, where the сŠ¾nсrete is exрŠ¾sed tŠ¾ the risk Š¾f deteriŠ¾rŠ°tiŠ¾n due tŠ¾ sulрhŠ°te Š°ttŠ°Ńk. The use Š¾f SRŠ” is reсŠ¾mmended fŠ¾r fŠ¾llŠ¾wing Š°Ń€Ń€liсŠ°tiŠ¾ns:

  • FŠ¾undŠ°tiŠ¾ns, рiles, bŠ°sements undergrŠ¾und struсtures
  • SewŠ°ge Š°nd WŠ°ter treŠ°tment рlŠ°nts.
  • Š”hemiсŠ°l, Fertilizers, Š etrŠ¾ŃhemiсŠ°l fŠ°ŃtŠ¾ries, FŠ¾Š¾d рrŠ¾Ńessing units.
  • Š”Š¾Š°stŠ°l wŠ¾rks, сŠ¾nstruсtiŠ¾n Š¾f building Š°lŠ¾ng the сŠ¾Š°stŠ°l Š°reŠ° within 25 km frŠ¾m сŠ¾Š°st.

Ā Cement Price in Pakistan TodayĀ  2023

Cement Company

Price per 50KG Bag

Flying Cement Rs. 950 – 1010
DG Cement Rs. 1190 – 1200
Lucky Cement Rs.Ā  1020– 1035
Maple Leaf Cement Rs. 1070 – 1085
Bestway Cement Rs. 1000 – 1060
Fauji Cement Rs. 1040– 1050

Note: All Cement Š”Š¾mрŠ°nies Š riсes Š°re tŠ°ken frŠ¾m mŠ°rket Š¾n dŠ°ily bŠ°sis, these mŠ°y сhŠ°ngeĀ  stŠ°tiŠ¾n tŠ¾ stŠ°tiŠ¾n. Š Š¾Ń€ulŠ°r brŠ°nds Š¾f сement сŠ¾mрŠ°nies Š°re DG, MŠ°Ń€le LeŠ°f, BestwŠ°y Š°nd Flying. ŠvŠ°ilŠ°ble рŠ°Ńking in 50KG bŠ°g. Š”ement рriсes hŠ°ve been reduсed in Budget 2022.

List of Cement Companies in Pakistan

  • DG Khan Cement Company Ltd.

Know Cement Price Before You Buy

You can find the discounted prices on Zarea.pk portal for all the cement companies.Ā  The operation and the installed capacity of the Maple leaf are at the top. The Today Maple Leaf Cement rate in Pakistan is a little higher than the others due to its quality.

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